Tag Archives: home alone

The 5 Stages of a Scary Movie: A Case Study featuring Insidious


I pride myself on my ability to get through scary movies. I’ve been in training for years, ever since middle school when one of my friends started hosting an annual Halloween party where a bunch of teenage girls would gather in her basement and marathon our way through about five horror films. I had to fight back the fear-induced tears for those showings or else risk the whole eighth grade finding out I was scared of movies that are designed to frighten people. And when you’re 13, you can never live that kind of embarrassment down. Anyway, as an adult I’ve found myself well-equipped (read: desensitized) in the face of most horror movies, but every now and then one comes along that reduces me to a shaky, paranoid mess, ready to dive into the cowering stance of a startled meerkat at the first sign of peripheral movement. Insidious was one such movie. Below I have documented the reaction stages of an effective scary movie based on the recent experience of one of my housemates luring me into watching Insidious.

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